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Writer's pictureMegan Gilmore




Hi Friend!

How are you? Stop and really take a moment to assess yourself. Take a deep breath and then tell me, how are you doing?

Did you know that it is June? Can you believe we are halfway through 2020. I do not know about you, but this is not how I envisioned the year 2020 going for me. I doubt you pictured 2020 like this either. The beautiful part is - God knew...He knew this would be part of our story.

In some parts of the world and the United States places are opening and life is starting to find a new normal. We are learning to wear masks and continue to do our part to keep others safe. Although not being stuck at home may feel good, there is a whole new way of life starting to happen. I look around and wonder what the future will look like and what impact has this season had on us as a society?

Not only is COVID-19 having a great effect on our world, but Black Lives Matter has been at the forefront of our nation. There has been an awakening to the racial divisions and problems that are in our world. It has been a time to assess ourselves and love others the way God has called us to. It is a time of high emotions and a wide range of emotions.

Let’s take a moment and go back to my are you doing? Are you energized or tired? Are you excited or worried? Are you happy or sad? My questions could go on and on but I won’t do that to you, but I do want you to really think about how you are doing. Sometimes, I am guilty of not recognizing how I am doing. When this happens it can build up and then become overwhelmed by all that I am feeling.

I want to always be real with you...I am weary.

Late the other night as I was finally shutting my computer for the day I realized how weary I was. My voice was tired and barely holding on. It had been a long day. No, I take that back it has been a long let's face has been a long few months. At that moment it was all starting to hit me. I realized I was starting to have multiple cups of coffee during the day.

I was weary from work, I was weary from the guidelines we need to follow for the health of others, I was tired from seeing so much hate and division in this world.

Have you ever felt this way? Not just tired because you did not get enough sleep, but weary. Your mind is fatigued and your emotions are fried. You feel overwhelmed and unable to process any more feelings. This is the weary I am talking about. I know that it can be felt differently by others because we are all uniquely different.

As I began to realize my weariness I saw how it was spilling into other areas of my life. My friendships, my response to my employees, shortness in conversations, tears when there was no need for tears. The list began to grow slowly of ways it was affecting my life. I knew that something needed to change.

As I laid in bed God brought to mind the verses in Matthew 11:28-29, “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Jesus is inviting you into this space with him - “Come to me.” He is calling those who are weary and burdened. Do you hear Him inviting you to come to Him? It is also speaking to realizing that we cannot live this life self-sufficiently - we need Him. Jesus is humble, gentle of heart, and loves you deeply. He will provide rest. He will provide refreshment for your soul.

This is what I needed - I needed Jesus to refresh my soul and fill me because I was empty. When I realized where I was at and my need for Him I quickly got myself in a position of worship. I turned on music and allowed my heart to be filled with His love. I also was intentional about self-care. Doing things that brought me joy and filled me up. I worshipped, I spent time with Jesus, I talked with best friends, and saw family. I started to feel refreshed the more I sought Jesus.

Are you feeling in need of a filling from Jesus? He is inviting you to come to Him and He will give you the rest you are seeking. He is gentle, loving, and cares deeply for you. He will give you rest.

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