Happy Wednesday, folks!
Wanted to jump on here and share a little information about our up and coming conference, Behold, on October 4-5th.
We will have several women that are from the area there in California come and share some breakout, "Digging Deeper", sessions with us on different topics! We will even have a bilingual option! We look forward to what God is showing these ladies in preparation for this conference. Take some time and get to know what will be available to you on the Saturday breakout sessions.
See you soon! Still haven't registered? CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED!

Alena Segrist | Heffalumps & Woozles
“...Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17) We find ourselves worried, stuck, even terrified reliving the events that happened to us, the challenges we face right now, and the apprehensions of the future. We suffer through PTSD, anxiety, and crippling fear. We stifle the dreams and passions God places in our hearts. Why, when we are meant for so much more? We are made to live in union with the God of the Universe. He invites us in every day. What are you afraid to face right now? What are your “Heffalumps and Woozles”? Let’s face them together.

Tami Gilmore | The Power in Praying for your Pastoral Leadership
Jeremiah 3:15 gives a promise, “‘And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” God appoints men and women to lead his sheep. Did you know that they need your prayers? There is no greater gift you can give your pastors and spiritual leaders of your church, than to pray for them. Come learn how to effectively pray for your pastors and spiritual leaders of your church.

Veronica Lopez | 7 Attitudes of Biblical Women Throughout the Bible
I will be discussing the 7 attitudes of biblical women throughout the bible, so that we, as daughters of God can learn from and apply in our everyday lives. Some of the topics that I will be discussing are humility, perseverance in prayer, the courage to overcome the past, wisdom to overcome crisis, fear of God, missionary zeal, and how to be a virtuous woman. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Janel Farison | Surrendered Transformed Lives
When the Lord calls us to follow Him, He does not call us to do it under our own power. When we wholly surrender our lives to Him and accept the vastness of who He is, He will transform our lives through His perfect and complete power. Let’s learn together about how to move towards living truly surrendered, transformed, joyful lives in Jesus.

Brandy Nicol | Don’t Fear the Fire
The definition of Forge is to make or shape by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it. Have you ever felt like life is beating you down? How do we continue to serve God through this fire and beating and what is Gods purpose for the fire? Join me as we dive into the how and why we should be praising God through the fire and even when we are broken and suffering we can still serve the Kingdom. His plan for you includes not just the beautiful parts but the ugly cry, snot coming out of your nose times as well.

Joy Park | From Shackles of Shame to Tiaras of Truth
Satan (that worm!) is adept with tricking God’s daughters into seasons of shame regarding sinful choices, addictions, unrealistic expectations or unwanted labels. Come and learn about the mechanics of Satan’s strategy, and our gracious God’s powerful truths that set us free.