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Writer's pictureMegan Gilmore

Adventure with the Father



“You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out, “Papa! Father!” Doesn’t that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child? And if you are a child, you’re also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance." Galatians 4:6-7

I don’t know about you, but for me some days can be overwhelming. There are seasons in life that feel never-ending and moments that are just plain hard. This was me just a few days ago. I simply wanted to know when the Lord was gonna move me into my next season. I was wondering when He would be answering my petition.

I was getting caught up in my thoughts which led to anxiety. Again, I don’t know about you, but for me anxiety gets my heart burning and butterflies in my stomach. I don’t like that feeling but that is where I was.

I found myself laying in bed trying to do some deep breathing in hopes of some relief from the anxiety. I am thankful that God tends to speak to me when I least expect it, and always when I need it the most. As I was laying there He hit me with a beautiful reminder. It struck me right in my heart, right where I needed it the most.

He is my Heavenly Father. He is loving, caring, and a protector. He is watching out for me as I walk through life. He has gone before me and prepared the way. He is lighting my path. He won’t lead me down a destructive path. He loves me too much for that! He loves you too much to lead you anywhere but through His plans.

My heart started to feel less on fire and my butterflies started to slow down. He took my mind to a picture of my earthly father leading the way for me. As a family we went to Hawaii last summer. I was excited to be with my family, but I also had decided to be brave and try experiences that scared me. The first brave experience was walking in lava tubes.

This lava tube was quite a feat to get to! We had to climb down a forty foot ladder to get to the level of the entrance of the tube. I am not a fan of heights, so just getting down was an experience. As we entered into the lava tube I was speechless for the beauty around me. It felt like we were walking into another world. We turned our headlamps on and started walking toward the dark tunnel. We came to a little bridge. Bridge is a nicer term than what it really was. It was a board across two ledges. It was a makeshift bridge. Had a thin metal rail on one side and nothing on the other.

As we approached this “bridge” my dad stopped us and said he would go first to then light the path from the other side. My heart was racing because fear of the unknown. I don’t do well with the unknown. I watched my dad make his way across the board and safely make it to the other side. He turned his extra flashlight onto the bridge and let me know it was safe to come across. Taking a deep breath I made my way across the bridge. After I got across my dad led me to the ledge and showed me that the board carried me over a never ending black whole.

My dad knew it was there. He knew not to tell me about it till after. He went before me and made sure it was safe. He then provided light so I could see the steps to take. He made sure I was safe. If my earthly father will do this for me, how much more will my Heavenly Father do this for me?

We are His children and we have access to Him as our Heavenly Father. I love how the Message states it in Galatians 4:6-7 “You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out, “Papa! Father!” Doesn’t that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child? And if you are a child, you’re also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance.”

My friend, God is your Heavenly Father too. He is there for you, just like He is for me. He is going before you. He is preparing the way. He is making sure it is safe. He is your loving, caring, and protective Father. It is our job to trust Him. Trust that He is who He says He is in our life.

With this new picture and reminder tucked deeply in my heart I am allowing it to wash away my anxiety. God has this. He is going to take care of whatever is making your heart burn and the butterflies fly. Take a deep breath and trust your Heavenly Father. He has an amazing adventure for you!

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